The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Friday, January 27, 2012

Moving Day

Today was the big move. The first time I've ever driven a truck. The first time I've ever driven a truck with Diabetes. The first time I've ever needed to hire a truck to move furniture... that I own. I'm such an adult. It makes me feel so lame.

Morning started as it should on moving day, with 12 vials of blood taken followed by torrential downpours. But then I got to the rental company and the rain started lightening up.

In Astoria i was assisted by the very generous and talented Bhavesh Patel and the stoic, uber-strong and surprisingly funny in a sort of grown-up fratty way Elliot Villar. I paid them in beer, pasta and love.

I then drove as slowly as I could using only streets to Park Slope, Brooklyn. My friend Seth Numrich who had to "audition" for something... loser. But instead I got Alex "the Alamo" Hoeffler who is strong as an ox in a 5'10 slightly hipster package. The move was a success.

As for my blood work... only time will tell - and the wise analysis of my awesome Detective Doctor.

pbpk -> 184 If only my stocks would grow this quickly.
9:24 -> 184 Lame! This makes me a bit unhappy. I went to bed at a good number, but I guess the jam was an over-correction. Now the blood work may be a little botched. I had cereal 100c with an apple 20c = 3 units + a correction = 4 units.
11:30 -> Felt a tad low but didn't check and instead had a Larabar 27c.
4:17 -> 127 Finished moving (re: exhausting physical exertion). Had an Elk burger on a gluten free bun 26c, side salad with almonds, cranberries, blue cheese... 20c? = 46c = 1 unit.
5:30 -> Cleaned out my refrigerator and ended up noshing on a bunch of random leftover things: hummus 1c, yogurt 14c, cheese 1c.
7:50 -> 181 Not surprised that I'm high. Vitamins, pb&j 57c, 2 apples 30c = 87c w/correction = 3 units.
9:30 -> Coffee 5c, protein shake 5c. After the show I had a hard cider 26c + alcohol.
1:48 -> 110 Took my 5 units of Lantus.

All in all a pretty successful day. Nothing over 200 or under 100 and there were several variables: irregular mealtimes, irregular physical exertion, unusual foods. The coming weeks should start to level out a bit as I take control of my kitchen again and start working out on a schedule.

Day 39

Disclaimer: I actually love Seth Numrich, all aforementioned comments about him should be read with sarcasm.

1 comment:

  1. Too true, having 12 vials of blood withdrawn mixed with torrential rain is always just the ticket on moving day.
