The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Farewell Original Cast of War Horse

I only got 6 hours of sleep last night but it was deep and solid and I woke feeling as well as can be expected. I very quickly threw on deodorant, jeans and an undershirt and then went about mixing and matching shirts with ties and jackets until I found a combination that felt right - blue jeans, powder blue shirt, navy windowpane jacket, with a leander club "pink hippo" neck tie. Allen Edmonds would carry my weight, and Calvin Klein would keep me warm. I was dressed like an assassin, or as many of my friends pointed out later when I saw them, I looked like I went to Andover.

The reason behind the outfit, was that today was the final performance of the original company of War Horse. An event so monumental can never be justly revered by a mere cocktail party. It takes tears, and drinking, and dancing and hugs with pats on the back, and sweaty hugs with inebriated swaying, and promises of seeing each other again. It was a grand time. I'll miss everybody, but already I'm in talks with several of the company members about future activities. Russian bath house and working out with Seth, BBQ in Williamsburg and working out with Ian, making a movie and working out with Peter... you get the picture.

I have close friends on both sides of the fence now and I stop and wonder whether I made the right choice in staying. A solid paycheck and continued health insurance makes it feel like I did. But then I get into a business conversation with star of Law and Order SVU Mariska Hargitay and suddenly I second guess myself. That a five minute conversation with the right person can so ignite passion and ambition and confidence is proof that one of the chief factors tying me to the show is fear of the unknown - that and prudence. One more year, it's not too long, and then onto new adventures.

Enough chit chat, here's the good stuff:

pbpk: 177.2
12:13 -> 136 Pretty amazing that I hit this number considering all the fat I consumed the night before. Took 4 units of Novolog with my 105c cereal. At 2:00 I had a clif bar for 31c, then some chocolate 7c.
3:45 -> 156 At 4:30 I had a pb&j 42c.
6:48 -> 192 The show had finished and now it was time to party, which meant hors d'oeuvres and beer. I knew this would be a challenge so I decided to use my high blood sugar to give myself a buffer. Assuming that 1 unit of insulin = 30c = 50 points of bg then I assumed I could comfortably eat 100 carbs and take 4 units of insulin and still be fine. I started eating the food going around and had the following: 2 mac&cheese balls, 4 mini crab cakes, 3 sliders, 3 toast w/ goat cheese and beets, 5 mini short ribs on polenta, 3 corona beers and a shrimp. I figured the bread on the sliders added up to about 40c with the mac and cheese about 30c, the rest making about 20c. I took 4 units of insulin about 15 minutes after I started eating.
9:25 -> 177 This was a very positive sign for me. It meant I was staying just a tad high which is recommended when you're drinking. But also that I had taken about the right amount of insulin for what i ate.
11:09 -> 161 I tested because we were planning on eating again. I ordered a kale salad with added avocado and shrimp. At first I thought I would forgo insulin altogether, but then I tasted the salad which had dressing and some grapes, and was offered a quarter of a burger which I took, and inundated with fries and decided to figure out another dose. Burger 10c, salad 15c, fries 40c. So that's a total of 65 which equates to just over 2 units, plus I wanted to bring down the number a tad so I took 3 units.
12:20 -> Took 13 units of Lantus.
2:37 -> 101 Look at that. Had a shot of Fernet Branca and danced for a bit and this is the number 4 hours later. I don't expect a dramatic change over the night but I had 20c worth of chips and hummus to make sure I stay level through the night!

Total Insulin: 24 Units
Total Carbs: 360
Ratio: 15:1

Tomorrow is my day off. I think I'll shop the J Crew sale, get a massage, do a laundry, see a movie and maybe start knocking some things off my HUGE AND INTIMIDATING "TO DO" list. I have a good deal of catching up to do. As I've said before, Diabetes is time consuming. But with the continued support of family and friends it will be a breeze.

Day 20

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