The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Good Morning Brooklyn!

I woke up in Brooklyn!!

It felt amazing. I passed three couples pushing baby strollers on my way to the subway which also takes me by a yoga studio with dozens of lululemon clad women doing vinyasas at me. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

Tomorrow I wake up with two roommates. The mighty Joe Sofranko and lovely Lili Fuller. They're in town on business and I'm happy to have them.

It's wicked late though so I'm gonna skip to numbers.

pbpk -> ?? I moved and my old roommate kept the scale :(
11:13 ->120 Okay perfect number but it's still an increase from last night so I'm going to up the Lantus tonight. Breakfast: cereal 70c, pb&j 45c, piece of bread 12c, 1/2 larabar 15c = 142 = 3 units.
1:53 -> 172 That's a good pre-Joey number. Had vitamins and green tea.
6:16 -> 94 Awewsome! Dinner of a whole chicken, some chicken and rice 60c, black beans 15c, cucumber 4c, grapefruit 26c = 105 = 2 units.
12:18 -> Took 6 units of Lantus
1:39 -> 81 Had a glass of wine, and had a taco 31c (not enough carbs for insulin)
3:17 -> Had a salad 10c and took 1 unit of Novolog which, with the earlier taco, should put me somewhere nice. I'll probably set a 5:am alarm and check how I feel.

A wacky day in diet land. A whole chicken? What can I say. I got hungry, and the first 1/2 chicken didn't do the trick. Plus I had loads of energy today, and I've been pretty active so I don't think the chicken will do much damage.

Alright, off to bed with me.

Day 40

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