The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Diabetic St. Patrick's day

                                                      (now THAT'S not on a vegan diet!)

Top of the Morning to ya!!

Tis the day of all things green, in honor of the holiday I started my morning with a cup of black tea and Jameson's, some blood pudding, beans and toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, and a bowl of oatmeal cooked in Guiness. And then I woke back up to the reality of my situation. 

As each holiday passes, and granted this isn't very high on the list of major US holidays, my new lifestyle will be put to the test.  Christmas will not be about figgy pudding, Valentine's day will have to be chocolate free, and today my corned beef with cabbage will have to be just corn... with cabbage.  I'll have to relearn the 4th of July without bbq, birthdays without cake, and halloween with only tricks (and maybe some roast pumpkin!)... ok, enough moping. I actually had a great day. And food wasn't problematic at all, in fact, it's very easy, on a vegan diet, to eat green foods.  So my dinner was very festive.


11:14 -> 120 Took 3 Prandin with cereal 110c then pb and banana 50c, apple 15c, kiwi 10c, grapefruit 25c.
4:56 -> 92 Took 2 Prandin with lentil soup 140c, pepper 7c, cupcake 14c, apple 15c, another apple 15c, berries 5c, grapefruit 22c and pumpkin seeds 10c.
11:30 -> 83 Awesome! took 2 Prandin with dinner: salad 30c, brussel sprouts 25c, cabbage 15c and a GREEN'S beer.
3:41 -> 86 This is good! Finished earlier cabbage and had an apple 15c and celery 8c to cover for any potential dips caused by the beer.

Day 88


  1. Just curious - what's your weight at on the vegan diet now?

    1. I weighed myself before the kettlebell exercise and was 185 which is pretty much what I've been since 2001.
