The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Wake Up Call

Literally, five minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off I received a phone call from my Diabetic Nurse, Linda. Her motherly voice showed no signs of resentment after I absentmindedly stood her up last week. We had scheduled an appointment two months in advance, and life caught up with me. No hard feelings though.

She wanted to check in, and since she hadn't received the news of my most recent blood work I was able to witness her organic reactions. We hadn't talked in so long that it was the first she had heard about me giving up daily insulin injections. I explained the reasons surrounding my decision, the middle of the night crashes and she supported my decision. But then I gave her the news of my new C-Peptide levels* and she, like Dr. Thys, encouraged me to be prudent in watching my sugar levels, and if they started creeping up to start back on daily injections of Lantus but at very low doses (2 units probably).

I was sure she would be thrilled to find out my A1C was 6.1%, but was mistaken. She saw this number as evidence that i was experiencing too many lows (I was) and would rather see me at about 6.5% she said. Towards the end of the conversation she cracked a joke at how obsessive I was about my control and we both had a good laugh. At least she's starting to get to know me!

I didn't tell her about my cholesterol which I mistakenly quoted as having dropped from 170-136 in my last post. It actually dropped to 126. My triglycerides were 51. Those are some healthy arteries.

When I hung up I went to check my sugar levels fully expecting to be as high or higher than the day before. After all my C Peptide is back at .53 which is super low. Surely Prandin alone can't encourage enough insulin production for somebody with my appetite... or can it?


11:40 -> 83 Woah! Back in the money! Took 2 Prandin with c ereal 110c, apple 15c, orange 20c, pumpkin seeds 6c. At 3:30 had bread with hummus 18c, and a clementine 9c.
4:50 -> 95 Great! Took 2 Prandin with dinner of Black Eyed Peas with kale 105c, grapefruit 25c, orange 20c, bagel with peanut butter and banana 54c, grapefruit 25c, blueberries 19c.
11:36 -> 76 Took 2 Prandin with black bean pasta 64c, indian eggplant 26c, chard and squash 15c.
1:55 -> 98 Dang! That's a day of freakin' great numbers and I never felt hungry either. Had 30c more of the squash swiss chard mix to give me a little boost for the night.

With numbers like these I don't think I'll be back on the insulin soon. But my C Peptide is low. So how is this possible? Wanna hear my theory? Sure you do.

I am (very wishfully) thinking that perhaps due to my high level of activity and my very healthy and fiberful diet maybe I just don't need as much insulin as other people. There is a range after all, from about .8 to about 3.2. If you're >3.2 then that's pre-diabetic for Type 2 meaning that you produce tons of insulin but don't use it efficiently. Isn't it possible then that somebody who's low is actually just very efficient? I mean, I didn't test above 100 once today. And I ate almost 600 carbs today with only 3mg total of Prandin. What would more insulin do to me?

Anyway, I go in for more tests in a week. But in the meantime I'm very pleased with my most recent blood work numbers.

Day 92

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