The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Running and Smiling

Anybody who's read Born to Run may remember an interesting study done which demonstrated a link between the speed and cardiovascular capacity of a runner and his/her emotional state. In other words you can run faster and longer when you're happy. Surprised? I probably was a bit myself the first time I came across this info. But you shouldn't be. In fact, nothing makes better sense. Time flies (and so do you!) when you're having fun. Everything becomes better when you're in a positive state of mind. Happy children learn more in school. Happy people live longer. Happy athletes perform better.

So I woke up today and knew that part of the slump I had been in for a few days was caused in part by lack of physical activity. Here I am at the physical peak of my life and just sitting around for several consecutive days. What a waste. And even though lethargy is addictive, so is exercise. All it takes is that first plunge.

I donned a wool undershirt and some shorts, pulled a beanie over my ears and set out to loop the park. A short and rapid stride seemed to come naturally so I unleashed my legs and started off at a pretty quick pace. As I began to tire about two miles in I realized my mind was going through this endless cycle of dread. Dreading the pain of running, the hill coming up, a potential sugar high or low, the stiffness of cold hands, etc. How lame!!

Then I forced myself to smile. And just that simple act, a forced smile caused my gaze to rise from the ground in front of me to the nature around me. Instead of the cold on my hands I felt the warmth on my face. Instead of feeling the pain in my joints I felt the pleasure in my muscles. And as quickly as it took for those facial muscles to contract, life became good again.


12:01 -> 86 Love it! 80s! Took 2 Prandin w/cereal 120c. Went for a 4.5 mile run.
3:34 -> 93 Kinda sorta hoped to be lower, but the number's actually good. Took 3 Prandin w/black beans 67c, tortillas 33c, quinoa 60c, salsa 14c, kale 3c, seaweed 15c, apple sauce 15c. Later had a cookie 18c (good lord it was good!), apple 30c, another cookie (did I mention how good they were?). At 10:20 i felt LOW so had a Larabar 31c.
11:54 -> 103 Took 2 Prandin w/dinner: Mache salad 20c, chick pea/beet/carrot salad 45c, grapefruit 25c, 1 cup lentil soup 25c.
2:18 -> 199 A bit high, but I only just finished eating the grapefruit. I'll take 3 units of Lantus tonight because I ran today and have a busy day tomorrow and don't want to risk lows.

As a side note: I never felt any depression today. Thanks exercise!

Day 98


  1. Looking forward to having my own personal trainer and dietician for a weak.

  2. Did I really spell week wrong?! hahahah

  3. *smile* and where are your 3 gratitudes? just not posting them? I really enjoyed them :-)
