The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I'm Reading

I was scourging the internet for ideas tonight. Should I write about the positive affects of Vitamin D and open with a story of how glorious and sunny a day it was and how I played frisbee for 2 hours on my dinner break? Should I write about the overdone theme of going back to a simpler, less industrial, less modern time and use my recent viewing of 180 degrees south? I could just do an expose of my experience at Quest diagnostics getting blood drawn by a heavily tattooed probably 300+ pound black woman who claimed she could "smell" the diabetes on me *shudder*.

One topic invariably led to the next and an hour later, filled to capacity with new knowledge, I've decided to show you what I've been reading rather than summarize it.

Vitamin D: This stuff is important, give you a full head of hair, strong bones and possibly a whole host of other benefits.

Vegan Journalist: Tries out veganism as a stunt and likes it too much to go back.

Vegan in Andalucia
: I feel like she cheated. You can't go to Andalucia to write about being vegan and spend all your time in grocery stores and your kitchen. I'm probably going to contact magazines in the future an pitch a similar idea but in more exotic locations.

Mike Tyson: Says Veganism has taken away some of the crazy.

Bill Clinton: Another recent vegan convert.

Vegan Recipes: I found the information on this site very compelling. Plus it's the closest I've gotten to food porn since turning vegan.

Vegan Bodybuilding: I'm sorry, I think after 26 years I may have finally found my calling.


10:59 -> 110 Took 3 Prandin with cereal 110c, pb banana 50c, apple 20c.
1:44 -> 127 Too low to start Joey, especially considering I took more medication than usual. Had a grapefruit 24c, larabar 26c during the first act, hummus and snap peas 5 c and an apple 20c during intermission.
4:53 -> 72 Took 2 Prandin with dinner: lentil soup with rice 125c, salad 35c, grapefruit 22c, apple sauce 10c, fake coffee with protein powder 10c (and not very tasty).
11:55 -> 74 Took 2 Prandin with cabbage stew 100c (cabbage, fennel, fava beans, portobello mushrooms, jalepenos, kale, sunflower seeds, sauce). Felt high an hour later but then it seemed like I started dropping. Maybe it takes longer for the medication to work at night. Either way, it looks like 7 pills per day is a more accurate dose.
2:27 -> 129 Yihaaa! I do love myself a reasonable post-meal late-night number! I'm actually going to go and finish the stew because odds are the food is digested but the pill is still working its slow magic.

1. Triple Threat Brownies.
2. Mix Tapes (or cds).
3. Roasted Dandelion Tea.
4. Beautiful, beautiful women!

Day 85

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