The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The China Study: Part 1

Well, I've finally come to the end of the 1000 page behemoth that is George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones, a cheesier, less complex American attempt at recreating something along the lines of Lord of the Rings. Everybody's reading it, and though I've become less social these days, I still want to equip myself with conversational fodder. To stretch an analogy, one might say Lord of the Rings is to Game of Thrones what the British diet of the 1940s is to the American diet of the 21st century. Our diet is less nutritionally dense, less filling but more addicting. But reading Game of Thrones won't cause cancer. So I read it, and am happy to be done.

I'm now moving on to a book that I have been anticipating reading for about four years. It's the book that turns meat eaters vegetarian and vegetarians vegan. So why am I reading a book that is likely to make me cut out even more food from my diet? Because, as the cover states, it is "the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted."

I'm only 100 pages in, so I haven't even gotten to the juicy stuff yet, but to reduce a several decade several thousand person study to a few lines, T. Colin Campbell outlines the affect of eating animal protein on the promotion of cancerous cells, illustrating how he can "turn on" or "turn off" cancer depending on the volume of dietary animal protein. How's THAT for a page turner!

I'll do a proper review later. But for any amateur healthies out there, this is a book - like Blue Zones, In Defense of Food, Animal Vegetable Miracle, etc. - that should be in your library.


11:08 -> 96 Took 2 Prandin w/cereal 110c. Had some macadamia nuts at 1:00 (Thanks Tom!) 4c, and an apple 20c at 2:00. At 4:30 I had some peanuts 5c. I was starving by the time I ate dinner.
5:39 -> 67 Nice! Better than being high. Took 2 Prandin with Dinner: Lentil soup 45c, salad 30c, apple 20c, fake coffee 5c. At 7:30 I had pb on toast 15c and a few more macadamia nuts 5c.
11:32 -> 82 Took 2 Prandin with Supper: broccoli w/roast garlic and homemade pesto (unsuccessful) 45c, salad 20c, yam 25c. Took 5 units of Lantus (late).
2:29 -> 178 More or less what I expected based on the way my body felt. Going to bed.

Crazy how some days the ratio is 100carbs to 1 pill and others like tonight 45carbs to 1 pill is still too high. And it's not as if I wasn't active today. I did two shows. There must be some other part of the equation that I'm not aware of yet, types of food maybe? Tomorrow should be better. I plan on going to yoga and maybe doing a little cardio work too, and in the evening Joey!

1.Grateful that I stayed under 200 today.
2. Grateful for a moment of perspective I had today while crossing backstage before an entrance. I suddenly remembered how cool this job is.
3. Grateful for a network of family and extended family who really love and care about me. I see evidence of this every day.

Day 71


  1. Re: I'm only 100 pages in, so I haven't even gotten to the juicy stuff - no pun intended, I'm sure.
    To #3 - YOU KNOW IT!!!!

  2. Read Thornton Wilder for depth of awareness and love. And ditto to #3!!!
