The numbers explained:

pbpk weight should be above 180
Fasting & pre-meal blood glucose 80-120
Post-meal blood glucose 120-180
A1C below 7%

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Listen to Your Body

You're body's smarter than you think. My body's way smarter than I knew. I can remember back to the months before I was diagnosed. I had started doing several new things that with further research turned out to be good for diabetics. My body knew and was searching for homeopathic remedies without me even knowing it. This is not unique to my body. Everybody is born with this knowledge, with the ability to understand the language your body is speaking. It's a language we unlearn from lack of use. But stop and listen. What is your body saying to you? Are you high? Are you low? How's your energy level? How does your stomach feel? your legs? your eyes? Are you tired?

Today mine was telling me to work out. I heard it, but unfortunately I had already committed to getting body work done. I had a massage and acupuncture scheduled (poor me, right?). Normally I would be thrilled to spend a day luxuriating myself, but today was 55 and sunny, and my body is getting so used to working out that taking a day off has two affects on me. First, it makes me antsy and more easily unhappy. Second, it makes my metabolism of glucose less productive.


Rather than stick to my normal pill to carb ratio, I listened to my body and was able to manipulate the medication accordingly. In doing so I ended up with fairly normal sugar levels throughout the day, although I did take more medication than usual.

11:55 -> 82 Took 2 Prandin w/cereal (no yogurt!) 95c and pb bagel 32c. At 2:00 had fake coffee 5c. At 3:00 had 1/2 Larabar 13c.
5:01 -> 127 Big slice of gluten free pizza 40c. Took 1 Prandin and had other 1/2 Larabar 13c.
7:06 -> 145 I'm averaging higher today it seems. Took 2 Prandin w/ Chipotle bowl 110c.
11:26 -> 158 Well, this is obviously the affect of not working out all day. I guess I'll have to hit it hard tomorrow. Took 2 Prandin w/ salad 30c and broccoli 40c, deliberately overmedicating to bring myself down a little. Took 5 units Lantus.
2:53 -> 111 I'm very pleased with this number, and am happy with the way I managed a drop in blood glucose. But I'd rather not take 7 Prandin in a day if I can avoid it.

1. I'm grateful for the free ticket to see William Shatner today which also featured a guest appearance by Brad Paisley.
2. I'm grateful for the ability to sit for a half hour in Riverside park while the sun broke through the clouds and struck me with its warmth.
3. I'm grateful for the privilege of complimentary massage and acupuncture, and practitioners who are very talented and also wonderful people.

Day 70

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